
So excited !! Moved bolder plant to larger pot and wow! It was happy, it started to get another set of bolders and then all of a sudden BAM! A beautiful flower !! Does anyone know the botanical name? Thnx

Ueca:It is most likely in the genus Cheiridopsis but I can't ascertain the species.

did a bit of shopping at the weekend. lots of Sedums and a beautiful Echeveria 'Duchess of Nuremberg'


I picked up this beautiful Echeveria today with two flowerstalks ready to bloom.
my first question is if anyone can tell me what type of Echeveria it is? it's very small, maybe 3 inches across. the flowers appear to maybe be pink or yellow but the buds have not booked yet.
My second question if anyone knows is if I can let this bloom and it will still live? I know many types of succulents will die or at least go dormant after blooming, I would really love to see the blooms but I'm not willing to sacrifice my entire plant just to see them
my first question is if anyone can tell me what type of Echeveria it is? it's very small, maybe 3 inches across. the flowers appear to maybe be pink or yellow but the buds have not booked yet.
My second question if anyone knows is if I can let this bloom and it will still live? I know many types of succulents will die or at least go dormant after blooming, I would really love to see the blooms but I'm not willing to sacrifice my entire plant just to see them

AloeYouVeraMuch:It will live! Also you have a lovely echeveria elegans! It tends to get pretty big so repotting may be in order soon.
meriunkat:I've had succulents that have flowerstalks the plant itself does not die, the flowers do tend to dry after blooming though
Frajille:Just do not over water it. I killed one before. They like to be dry mostly.
T.C.:It will live after blooming. Don't worry.
Amanda Lynn

My boyfriend bought me a beautiful succulant arrangement. I have identified all but this one. It resembles an elephant bush l, however the stem is a light green and the leaves have a very delicate fuzz on them. Is this typical of a young EB plant? Or, is this something else??

Amanda Lynn:Thank you so much! Im just starting to really get into gardening and I want to provide the best care to my little greenies that I can, but I need to know the species! lol
我是小花:The plant may be a Crassula rogersii, a polymeth, native to South Africa
Michelangelo DaVinci

what is the name of this beautiful "palm"" plant?

meriunkat:kinda looks like Chamaedorea Seifrizii "Bamboo Palm"
Michelangelo DaVinci:@ATastyBellPepper no itss not that
ATastyBellPepper:peperomia prostrata

how do i take the best Care of this Beautiful trees?

ATastyBellPepper:Ginseng Ficus, also called Ficus microcarpa, Ficus retusa, and banyan fig, is not the medicinal ginseng plant, but a type of fig. You will be pleasantly surprised to find that a Ginseng Ficus bonsai tree is not only great looking but extremely easy to care for.
This particular tree does not need much attention. You will only need to water it once or twice a week at most. If you over-water it occasionally, this bonsai will adjust.; if you forget to water it on occasion, it will not get mad at you and shrivel up. You will know if you are not giving it enough water because the dark green leaves will start to turn yellow. The best way to keep your Ginseng Ficus moist and happy is to mist it with a spray bottle every day.
sunnyzou:Place:The houseplant can also go outdoors in the summer, preferably in shade.
Temperature: The plant likes to spend the winter in a cool position, at about 12℃.
Water:Give your Ficus Ginseng a moderate amount of water, more in summer than in winter. Don’t leave any water in the saucer, the plant doesn’t like that.
Spray: If the central heating setting is high, spray the Ficus Ginseng now and again with water.
Food:Give your Ficus Ginseng some plant food regularly.
Prune:If you wish, you can prune the plant to give it some shape.

Wow!!!!So beautiful!!!

fantasy:It's beautiful!
sunnyzou:love it sooooooo much