
Yes. Companies do employ during the holidays, and not only for temporary help. It is a fallacy to believe that everything grinds to a standstill because the holidays are busy and people are traveling and vacationing. Companies must still create and spend money, employment choices are made, and individuals may even change careers during this time of year. Here are some statistics to think about whether you're searching for a new job or changing jobs this holiday season.
Job Boards Are At Capacity
Have you checked out a job board over the holidays? That should be enough to address your question. There are now hundreds of job vacancies for immediate recruitment. HR managers are always on the lookout for excellent candidates for existing or forthcoming vacancies. During the holidays, they aren't sitting around twiddling their thumbs; instead, they are actively evaluating individuals via LinkedIn and other channels to fill openings.Businesses Have Money To Spend
At the end of the year, a corporation may have additional funds to invest, but it may not. You should not avoid writing applications and cover letters because you believe a firm would not employ you over the holidays. Many businesses pay for end-of-year recruiting so that they have people in place when the new year begins.There Is Less Rivalry
Many individuals are thinking the same things you are, which implies there will be fewer job candidates over the holidays. Take advantage of the lower competition by polishing your executive resume bio for submission. There's a good possibility you'll get an interview you wouldn't have gotten at other times of the year.There Are Several Networking Opportunities
This time of year moves at its own speed, with social gatherings at work, with friends, and with family. These are excellent occasions to network and reconnect with individuals with whom you may have lost touch. If your workload has changed, you may have a chance to spend some time on your LinkedIn profile to ensure it is properly optimized before you start engaging with people online, especially if it has been a while. Plan a coffee date with a former coworker or attend a professional event. Don't skip out on these natural social gatherings over the holidays. Job possibilities may be found in a variety of settings.Temporary Employment Is An Option
Even if the firm you want to work for isn't recruiting right now, you may get your foot in the door with a temporary position. Most temporary executive job openings are the consequence of end-of-year financial worries rather than the Christmas season. Depending on where a company's budget stands, they may not be able to recruit a full-time employee in December, but you will be eligible for full-time work immediately after the New Year begins.Companies Are Always Hiring
There is never a period when businesses are not employing. Typically, a corporation will employ a candidate if the ideal prospect comes into their office. The Christmas season may be slower for job seekers, but it seldom affects whether a firm is recruiting. In fact, some businesses prefer to employ near the end of the year since they know the people that apply will be serious because they are looking for work throughout the holidays. So, choose the finest executive resume writing service and submit your resume.Expert Resume Services is a team of professional executive resume writers that have helped executives just like you get your dream job. Employers don't stop recruiting during the holidays, and we don't stop assisting professionals like you in finding the right match. Please contact us at any time if you need help with your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, or any other area of your vacation job hunt.

If you want to get more energy, there are a lot of things you can do. But if you want a more natural and healthy way to boost your energy, you might be wondering if there are any supplements you can take to help and if they even work.
So, do supplements work?
In this article, I'll talk about whether or not there are supplements that can help you get more energy. I'll also talk about a few vitamins you can take to naturally give you more energy.
Can supplements make you feel more energetic?
Vitamins and minerals are important for the way our bodies work. Vitamins help cells make energy, make DNA, and keep nerves working, which can make you feel less tired both mentally and physically.Getting enough energy will be easier if you don't run out of certain vitamins and minerals. But what are the most important vitamins and minerals? Let's look at the best vitamins and minerals that can give you more energy.
There are vitamins and supplements that may give you more energy
Here are some of the most important vitamins and supplements that may help you feel more energetic.Vitamins
1. Vitamin D
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism says that muscle fatigue is a common sign of not getting enough vitamin D.Vitamin D isn't in a lot of foods, so if you want to make up for a lack, it might be best to take an oral supplement. Adults up to 70 years old should take 600 IU of Vitamin D per day, and those over 70 should take 800 IU/day. Women who are pregnant or nursing may have different recommendations, so it's best to talk to your doctor before you start taking supplements.
2. Vitamin B12
There are a total of eight B vitamins, and all of them are important for the body. B vitamins are especially important for the way the brain works, including making energy. So, not getting enough of the B vitamins can make you feel tired.Vitamin B12, which is also called cobalamin, is one of the most important B vitamins for energy. Those who are older or who have had surgery to lose weight are especially at risk for Vitamin B12. If this sounds like you, you might want to start taking a Vitamin B supplement to make sure you have enough energy.
Since Vitamin B12 dissolves in water, most people think it's safe to take more of it. If you take in more Vitamin B12 than your body needs, you will just pee it out. But if you don't get enough Vitamin B12, your body will store what it needs, which may give you more energy.
3. Iron
People who don't get enough iron have a condition called anemia. Tiredness is one of the most common effects of anemia. The Mayo Clinic says that some groups of people may be more likely to have a lack of iron. Women who are menstruating, vegetarians, people with a disease like celiac disease that makes it hard to absorb iron, and pregnant women are more likely to have anemia.If you want to boost your energy by getting more iron, you might want to eat more iron-rich foods. Some of these foods are meat, eggs, and leafy greens. It's also important to eat enough Vitamin C-rich foods, which can help your body absorb iron better. Broccoli, citrus fruits, and leafy greens are all good sources of Vitamin C.
If you don't think it's possible for you to eat these foods, an iron supplement may be the best way to get more energy. Make sure to talk to your doctor before taking an iron supplement to find out if it is right for you and how much you should take.
1. The root of the Ashwagandha plant
Even though there hasn't been as much research on Ashwagandha root, a study published in 2012 in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine looked at whether it could boost energy. They found that taking this herb as a supplement cut down on stress, which could lead to more energy overall.Ashwagandha root is becoming more popular, and you can find it more easily than ever at your grocery store or health food store. But it's very important to talk to your primary care doctor before you start taking this supplement to make sure it's right for you.
2. Creatine
More and more people are using creatine, especially people who go to the gym. Creatine is an amino acid, which is a part of a protein's building blocks. Creatine supplements are being used by more and more weightlifters to help them do better in the gym and build muscle.If you are an athlete and you don't have a lot of energy, you might want to take creatine supplements. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that taking creatine supplements helped people recover faster, stay hydrated better, and avoid sports injuries. Since creatine supplements have been shown to improve athletic performance, it stands to reason that creatine supplements may be good for athletes who are tired.
3. Melatonin
If not getting enough sleep is making you feel tired, melatonin might be the right supplement for you. Even though melatonin does not directly give you more energy, you may still feel better if you take it. This hormone is made by the body and helps with sleep. If you can't sleep or have trouble falling asleep, taking a melatonin supplement at night before bed may help you get a better night's sleep and have more energy during the day.Researchers have found that some groups have lower levels of melatonin secretion, which may make it hard for them to sleep and give them less energy during the day. People with Alzheimer's disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, or advanced age may be affected.
Most grocery stores and pharmacies sell supplements with melatonin. Melatonin also comes in the form of gummies, which makes it easy and tasty to take.
There are many supplements on the market that claim to help you feel more energetic. But it can be hard to know which supplements will really do what they say they will. Based on the research, it is clear that some supplements may help people who are low on energy by giving them more.As we've talked about, if you want to start taking a supplement to boost your energy, it's very important to talk to your doctor and get their opinion. Not only will they be able to help you figure out how much of each supplement you need, but they will also be able to tell you which supplement is best for you based on your lifestyle and lab results.

The Field Guide to Urban Gardening by Kevin Espiritu of Epic Gardening is a really useful resource to help you determine what you need with your space restrictions and particular growing conditions if you're looking to turn your balcony into a lush garden—or even if you only have a small patio space. The Quarto Group and Cool Springs Press contributed this passage from a book about starting a balcony garden.
Growing things on your balcony adds beauty to an otherwise unappealing area. Additionally, you may complete the following tasks:
-Grow living barriers to reduce noise pollution
Make it more difficult for pests to get your garden. Provide some food for yourself to cut down on your "food miles."
Create a garden on your balcony.
When growing on a balcony, your first concern should be if the balcony can sustain what you're producing. The majority of balconies should be strong enough to support a few pots or beds, but it's a good idea to evaluate your area first before you start filling it with plants.
When a container is laden with soil, water, and a tomato plant, particularly if you have a lot of them, you'd be astonished at how heavy it can get. Instead of placing all of your pots in one spot on your balcony, spread them out. By doing this, the weight distribution will be more evenly distributed, preventing any unpleasant balcony gardening accidents.
Examine the horticultural conditions on your balcony.
Which way does the balcony on your house face? The ideal balconies are those facing south, although those facing southeast or southwest can also work. And you can still grow plants if your window faces north. All you have to do is change the kinds you plant to ones that like shade.
Before establishing your garden, Kevin advises checking out the balcony in the morning, afternoon, and evening to observe how the shadows affect the area. When you set up a balcony garden, you often discover that you put the plants in a spot that is shadowed for 80% of the day by an obstruction.
For guidance on where to place your garden, pay attention to how shadow affects your balcony.
The major concern with balcony gardens is the wind, much more so than with raised beds or containers on the ground. Planting wind-resistant vegetation, like rosemary, is your first choice. Stake your plants firmly and use windscreens to assist break some of the stronger gusts as a second, more adaptable alternative.
Walk outside a few times during the day to check the direction and strength of the wind, similar to monitoring the shade on your balcony. Use pots that can withstand more wind, such terra-cotta ones, if your area experiences a lot of it.
addressing water drainage
The majority of balconies feature drainage holes or are at the very least slanted so that water flows in one direction. The last thing you want to do is irritate a downstairs neighbor by watering the garden every time it rains filthy water on them while you're growing on a balcony.
Installing a balcony rain barrel can increase your conservation score if you live in a rainy location. By doing this, you avoid wasting large quantities of runoff and get to irrigate your garden with pure rainwater, which is always better than using municipal water.
Design of a balcony garden
Since every balcony is different, your urban gardening masterpiece should be adapted to your surroundings. Having said that, there are certain fundamental guidelines to adhere to in order to design a balcony garden that is beautiful, useful, and—best of all—productive. Considerations for balconies fall into three categories: the floor, the railing, and everything else. You may use your available space to the fullest extent by thinking in these three tiers.
How to handle the balcony's floor
The floor of your balcony is a terrific place for bigger pots full of plants that require a little room to flourish provided you're ready to give up some foot space. Beans, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and other vegetables grow well in pots on the balcony floor. They'll effectively fill up the gap over time.
installing pots on the balcony railing
The most beautiful part of your balcony garden is where your railings are. Since they dangle out the balcony, they get the maximum solar exposure while taking up the least amount of room. Balcony railing planters are one of the most difficult pieces of gardening equipment, despite their usefulness. It might be difficult to know precisely how to connect plants to railings since there are so many different kinds of railings. The last thing you want to do is haphazardly connect a railing planter just to watch it tumble down to the earth below given how much wind balconies are prone to.
Sitting planters
You can often get planters with a bottom that is just that size if your rails are a regular dimension. If you want to choose a plug-and-play solution, these are fantastic possibilities. Simply fill them with dirt, put them in pots, and they'll begin to grow. These may not be the greatest option if your balcony experiences a lot of wind since they can fly off, particularly as the soil becomes dry and the planter becomes lighter.
planters with screws on top
Although they lack a notched bottom, these varieties are identical to sit-on-tops. These work well with wood since they screw right into the railing.
planters that attach
They feature a hook design to attach around the railing and are the most popular kind of railing planters. The planter then leans on the edge of the railing while straining against its own weight. If you are certain that the design will match your railing, they are excellent choices.
It might be difficult to first choose which railing style would go with your balcony since there are so many variations on this design. Compare the width of your fence to the dimensions of the planter box's hook or connection.
simplifying balcony garden maintenance
Balcony gardening is appealing since it's a simple process to get started with, but with the following advice, it's a breeze.
not seeds, but seedlings
If you purchase seedlings from a nearby nursery and simply transfer them into your balcony garden, it is simpler to get your garden off to a good start. If you want to exercise your gardening skills, starting seeds is undoubtedly a fun alternative to attempt. However, if you're a novice gardener and want to see results quickly, purchase seeds from a nearby nursery.
Greater container size
The fact that you're growing in pots is the main drawback of balcony gardening. Particularly if you're using terra cotta pots, they dry up rapidly. Choose the biggest containers you can to help offset this and provide your plants with the consistent hydration they need. The soil will be able to store more water and evaporate much more gradually because to the increased volume.
Put self-watering pots to use.
Choosing bigger, self-watering containers is a step up from selecting larger containers. To provide a steady supply of water for the roots of your plants, these containers wick water from a chamber at the bottom of the pot. Large self-watering pots are often available at nurseries or big-box retailers, but you may also make your own following the instructions in Kevin's book. The time you'll save not having to water your plants is definitely worth the additional expense.
For a balcony garden, simple plants
A balcony garden just really needs one thing: nothing that will completely take over the area. For instance, sprawling squash plants wouldn't be the ideal option. However, even squash is feasible. The following list of plants, however, includes several that are more appropriate for enhancing a balcony.
Basil, sage, thyme, oregano, and other herbs
Grassy leaves: Leaf lettuce, kale, spinach, and other vegetables
"Artichoke" and "Silverskin" garlic
"Patio Princess" and "Balcony"
"Green Oak Leaf" and "Black Seeded Simpson" lettuce
Cayenne: "Camelot"
Eggplant: "Bambino" and "Fairy Tale"
Rainbow and Rhubarb varieties of Swiss chard
Beans: "Purple Queen" and "Blue Lake" (pole) (bush)
Watermelon: "Spacemaster 80"
Strawberry: "Seascape" and "Ozark Beauty"
Growing things on your balcony adds beauty to an otherwise unappealing area. Additionally, you may complete the following tasks:
-Grow living barriers to reduce noise pollution
Make it more difficult for pests to get your garden. Provide some food for yourself to cut down on your "food miles."
Create a garden on your balcony.
When growing on a balcony, your first concern should be if the balcony can sustain what you're producing. The majority of balconies should be strong enough to support a few pots or beds, but it's a good idea to evaluate your area first before you start filling it with plants.
When a container is laden with soil, water, and a tomato plant, particularly if you have a lot of them, you'd be astonished at how heavy it can get. Instead of placing all of your pots in one spot on your balcony, spread them out. By doing this, the weight distribution will be more evenly distributed, preventing any unpleasant balcony gardening accidents.
Examine the horticultural conditions on your balcony.
Which way does the balcony on your house face? The ideal balconies are those facing south, although those facing southeast or southwest can also work. And you can still grow plants if your window faces north. All you have to do is change the kinds you plant to ones that like shade.
Before establishing your garden, Kevin advises checking out the balcony in the morning, afternoon, and evening to observe how the shadows affect the area. When you set up a balcony garden, you often discover that you put the plants in a spot that is shadowed for 80% of the day by an obstruction.
For guidance on where to place your garden, pay attention to how shadow affects your balcony.
The major concern with balcony gardens is the wind, much more so than with raised beds or containers on the ground. Planting wind-resistant vegetation, like rosemary, is your first choice. Stake your plants firmly and use windscreens to assist break some of the stronger gusts as a second, more adaptable alternative.
Walk outside a few times during the day to check the direction and strength of the wind, similar to monitoring the shade on your balcony. Use pots that can withstand more wind, such terra-cotta ones, if your area experiences a lot of it.
addressing water drainage
The majority of balconies feature drainage holes or are at the very least slanted so that water flows in one direction. The last thing you want to do is irritate a downstairs neighbor by watering the garden every time it rains filthy water on them while you're growing on a balcony.
Installing a balcony rain barrel can increase your conservation score if you live in a rainy location. By doing this, you avoid wasting large quantities of runoff and get to irrigate your garden with pure rainwater, which is always better than using municipal water.
Design of a balcony garden
Since every balcony is different, your urban gardening masterpiece should be adapted to your surroundings. Having said that, there are certain fundamental guidelines to adhere to in order to design a balcony garden that is beautiful, useful, and—best of all—productive. Considerations for balconies fall into three categories: the floor, the railing, and everything else. You may use your available space to the fullest extent by thinking in these three tiers.
How to handle the balcony's floor
The floor of your balcony is a terrific place for bigger pots full of plants that require a little room to flourish provided you're ready to give up some foot space. Beans, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and other vegetables grow well in pots on the balcony floor. They'll effectively fill up the gap over time.
installing pots on the balcony railing
The most beautiful part of your balcony garden is where your railings are. Since they dangle out the balcony, they get the maximum solar exposure while taking up the least amount of room. Balcony railing planters are one of the most difficult pieces of gardening equipment, despite their usefulness. It might be difficult to know precisely how to connect plants to railings since there are so many different kinds of railings. The last thing you want to do is haphazardly connect a railing planter just to watch it tumble down to the earth below given how much wind balconies are prone to.
Sitting planters
You can often get planters with a bottom that is just that size if your rails are a regular dimension. If you want to choose a plug-and-play solution, these are fantastic possibilities. Simply fill them with dirt, put them in pots, and they'll begin to grow. These may not be the greatest option if your balcony experiences a lot of wind since they can fly off, particularly as the soil becomes dry and the planter becomes lighter.
planters with screws on top
Although they lack a notched bottom, these varieties are identical to sit-on-tops. These work well with wood since they screw right into the railing.
planters that attach
They feature a hook design to attach around the railing and are the most popular kind of railing planters. The planter then leans on the edge of the railing while straining against its own weight. If you are certain that the design will match your railing, they are excellent choices.
It might be difficult to first choose which railing style would go with your balcony since there are so many variations on this design. Compare the width of your fence to the dimensions of the planter box's hook or connection.
simplifying balcony garden maintenance
Balcony gardening is appealing since it's a simple process to get started with, but with the following advice, it's a breeze.
not seeds, but seedlings
If you purchase seedlings from a nearby nursery and simply transfer them into your balcony garden, it is simpler to get your garden off to a good start. If you want to exercise your gardening skills, starting seeds is undoubtedly a fun alternative to attempt. However, if you're a novice gardener and want to see results quickly, purchase seeds from a nearby nursery.
Greater container size
The fact that you're growing in pots is the main drawback of balcony gardening. Particularly if you're using terra cotta pots, they dry up rapidly. Choose the biggest containers you can to help offset this and provide your plants with the consistent hydration they need. The soil will be able to store more water and evaporate much more gradually because to the increased volume.
Put self-watering pots to use.
Choosing bigger, self-watering containers is a step up from selecting larger containers. To provide a steady supply of water for the roots of your plants, these containers wick water from a chamber at the bottom of the pot. Large self-watering pots are often available at nurseries or big-box retailers, but you may also make your own following the instructions in Kevin's book. The time you'll save not having to water your plants is definitely worth the additional expense.
For a balcony garden, simple plants
A balcony garden just really needs one thing: nothing that will completely take over the area. For instance, sprawling squash plants wouldn't be the ideal option. However, even squash is feasible. The following list of plants, however, includes several that are more appropriate for enhancing a balcony.
Basil, sage, thyme, oregano, and other herbs
Grassy leaves: Leaf lettuce, kale, spinach, and other vegetables
"Artichoke" and "Silverskin" garlic
"Patio Princess" and "Balcony"
"Green Oak Leaf" and "Black Seeded Simpson" lettuce
Cayenne: "Camelot"
Eggplant: "Bambino" and "Fairy Tale"
Rainbow and Rhubarb varieties of Swiss chard
Beans: "Purple Queen" and "Blue Lake" (pole) (bush)
Watermelon: "Spacemaster 80"
Strawberry: "Seascape" and "Ozark Beauty"

Hoya need help! Bought As clippings 3 weeks ago. Not putting in direct sun. Not over watering. how do I save.

Tiger Palm

Need help what is this plant Can I plant it outside live in Central Flo rida
Tha nks
Tha nks

Plantlin:This looks like Kalanchoe blossefeldiana.

Anyone can help me with this problem? It becomes so watery and then it just whittered off and i feel it’s dying


If we can just have a moment of silence for Dr. Bactus LongJohn (inside joke lol). can anyone tell me what happened...woke up and he was on the counter.. ive had it for 3 or 4 years now and its never had a problems...help please so i doesnt happen to my last cactus.. 2 down. 1 to go..


I need urgent help from all my fellow plant lovers out there!!! i have multiple cacti. i have had this one for at least 2 years maybe 3. i have NEVER had a cacti do this. its my office plant and i honestly have no clue what happened. i havent changed its regiment. if anyone knows how I can save it or at least save part of it I would really really appreciate any help that you can offer thank you so much!!


Help with ID please! What kind of begonia is it? or maybe you can recommend some keys to look at? thank you