
Anyone know this type of Lithops? The green one popped out of itself and I took one of the leaves off because it looked like it would attract problems, it look like it's doing well.
Do the pink ones look worrisome, or is it about to split open?
Do the pink ones look worrisome, or is it about to split open?

Hong Lam

Anyone know what's going on here? Quite a few leaves are getting yellow and are drooping off, but the base and veins still look green. The rest of the plant is still nice and glossy and healthy but I don't know if this is a disease spreading or something like that.
It's a gardenia Plant. I've just started fertilizing once a week for the past two weeks. #Gardeniajasminoides #Medium
It's a gardenia Plant. I've just started fertilizing once a week for the past two weeks. #Gardeniajasminoides #Medium

我是小花:Hello! The number of fertilizing doesn't have to be too much, it can be reduced to just a few times a month! And the concentration of fertilizers must be lower. I feel that the control should be improved!