Humidity: Dracaenas like high humidity but do well in basic household humidity.
Water: Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering. If the soil is too wet or to dry the leaves will develop brown tips. Always use non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated water for any type of dracaena plant. Dracaenas are very sensitive to chemicals in the water.
Light: Although a Dracaena lemon lime plant can adapt to low light, it does better in medium to indirect bright light. Too much direct bright light causes the color in the leads to fade. Too little and the new leaves are narrower than the older leaves.
Water: Allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering. If the soil is too wet or to dry the leaves will develop brown tips. Always use non-fluoridated, non-chlorinated water for any type of dracaena plant. Dracaenas are very sensitive to chemicals in the water.
Light: Although a Dracaena lemon lime plant can adapt to low light, it does better in medium to indirect bright light. Too much direct bright light causes the color in the leads to fade. Too little and the new leaves are narrower than the older leaves.
花相册 (1)


Native: Africa
Acquired: 11/18
Acquired: 11/18