The attractive, lucky jade plant is easy to take care of. Felix is the hipster we all love.
Full, filtered sun, water every three or four weeks. Blooms in the late winter, early spring.
Full, filtered sun, water every three or four weeks. Blooms in the late winter, early spring.
花相册 (5)

Hong Lam

Felix has a Hello Kitty friend :3

Hong Lam

I've moved Felix to a more indirect sunlight area. he's been getting really red and I was afraid he'd burn, so I've moved him to a little less sun but still bright area. I'm sure he'll be fine :3

Hong Lam

Turns out that red tinge IS just him enjoying the full sun. Look at Felix go, he seems so happy go lucky! :D

Hong Lam

Felix has a bit of a red tinge to him! Perhaps full light is making him slightly change colour. But after Vincent's sunburn, I'm making sure Felix doesn't get too much sun burn too....

Hong Lam

This is my first growing diary.