花相册 (11)

Elena Galkina

That tiny child with a strong will to live. During the winter it had a lot of adventures. Its leaves were so strong, that it was pulled out from the soil and has viewable one root tied the plant with soil. I had to cut the pot edge and now it hard seats in the soil

Elena Galkina

Elena Galkina

Today I transplanted babies which were in the moss. Finally, there are only two baby plants, but they have very big and strong roots. Also I had no any problems with them, I just water them a lot and they were not too much waterlogged or aired. They always were just fine. I liked the way to grow baby plantes for saintpaulia in a moss

Elena Galkina

Soil and moss planted leaves in comparison. The soil leaf looks better

Elena Galkina

For the will to live tiny child receives an own home :)

Elena Galkina

Moss planted

Elena Galkina

Soil planted

Elena Galkina

Tiny child

Elena Galkina

The very tiny child from the dead leaf brokes off. It had very tiny root 1-1,5mm. I've put it to a soil. Just put, nothing more. It is still alive and makes more roots. The size now 6-7mm for 3 leaves

Elena Galkina

Mather plant died in the beggining of August. I've cutted several leaves and planted them to water for rooting.
In the end of August one of the leaves was planted to the soil (see Pink violet plant) and others were kept in water. All of them make children. One died later.
Today I planted the one leaf with children to soil and the 2nd one to sphagnum moss. Let's see
Window: east
Watering: a little immediately
Greenhouse: yes
Roots: long 4_5sm, strong
In the end of August one of the leaves was planted to the soil (see Pink violet plant) and others were kept in water. All of them make children. One died later.
Today I planted the one leaf with children to soil and the 2nd one to sphagnum moss. Let's see
Window: east
Watering: a little immediately
Greenhouse: yes
Roots: long 4_5sm, strong