Keep Azaleia's soil thoroughly moist. If allowed to dry out, foliage shrivels and flowers wilt. This acid-loving plant shouldn't be watered with hard water. Use rainwater or distilled water.
Protect your Azalea plant from drafts. Flower buds may shrivel and turn brown if exposed to the hot, dry air of a heat vent. Add extra humidity with a room humidifier or by placing the plant on a tray of wet pebbles. I wouldn't recommend misting because azalea is prone to fungus, which can kill the plant.
To maintain a more compact appearance or simply to encourage bushier growth, trim Azalea after it's blooming period has expired. Taking time to trim Azalea by cutting back the branches of its shrubs will also help renew overgrown plant.
This tender florist's plant is somewhat challenging to get to rebloom and is often treated as a temporary house plant and tossed out after blooming.
Azaleia needs about 2 months of cold -- but not freezing -- temperatures in fall or winter to produce buds.
Protect your Azalea plant from drafts. Flower buds may shrivel and turn brown if exposed to the hot, dry air of a heat vent. Add extra humidity with a room humidifier or by placing the plant on a tray of wet pebbles. I wouldn't recommend misting because azalea is prone to fungus, which can kill the plant.
To maintain a more compact appearance or simply to encourage bushier growth, trim Azalea after it's blooming period has expired. Taking time to trim Azalea by cutting back the branches of its shrubs will also help renew overgrown plant.
This tender florist's plant is somewhat challenging to get to rebloom and is often treated as a temporary house plant and tossed out after blooming.
Azaleia needs about 2 months of cold -- but not freezing -- temperatures in fall or winter to produce buds.
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