Allow soil to become almost dry between waterings. Because of their small size, Haworthias require a little less water tan other succulents.
Haworthias shed some of their old roots each spring, so refreshing the soil is necessary maintenance for healthy plants.
Haworthias shed some of their old roots each spring, so refreshing the soil is necessary maintenance for healthy plants.
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Plants Encyclopdias

Name: Haworthia
Latin: Haworthia tortuosa
Origin: Africa
Plant height: 3 - 20 cm
Reproduction: #Division
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Africa #Haworthiatortuosa
Latin: Haworthia tortuosa
Origin: Africa
Plant height: 3 - 20 cm
Reproduction: #Division
Difficulty level: #Easy
Tags: #Africa #Haworthiatortuosa
